Wireless network connectivity is provided via the "UCSB Wireless Web," "eduroam," and "UCSB Secure" networks available at the locations listed below. Faculty and staff (including pre-hire), students and associates with a UCSBnetID can use this network. For Frequently Asked Questions and additional information, please see the wireless FAQ.
- Arts bldg. 534
- Arts & Lectures, bldg. 402
- Arts Museum
- Arts & Music Library
- Baseball Facility (Pressbox, Gaucho room, Clubhouse)
- BioEngineering bldg. 512
- Biology-II bldg. 571 floor 6, floor 7, basement
- Biology-III bldg. 504
- Bldg.434 (aka CUPS) rm.107,121-125,141A-H,145,147, courtyard
- Broida Lecture Halls 1610, 1640
- Broida Hall, floor 1 (hallway 1000, rm.1015, 1019, 1301, 1311, 1357, 1362, 1380, 1409, 1411, 1413, 1415, 1417, 1419)*
- Broida Hall, floor 2 (hallway 2000, suite 2015, 2233, rm. 2014, 2207-2209, 2225, 2409, 2411, 2415, 2419, 2509)*
- Broida Hall, floor 3 (hallway 3000, suite 3019, rm. 3209, 3217, 3302, 3340, 3409, 3411, 3413, 3415, 3417, 3419)*
- Broida Hall, floor 4 (hallway 4000, wing 4100, rm. 4402, 4406, 4409, 4411, 4415, 4417, 4419)*
- Broida Hall, floor 5 (hallway 5000, wing 5100, rm. 5207, 5223, 5233)*
- Broida Hall, floor 6 (hallway 6000, wing 6100, 6200, rm. 6334)*
- Broida Hall, rooftop (West platform 7020, East platform 7330)*
- BREN rm.1410,1414,1424,1510,1520,
2436, 3022a, 3035, 3312, 3328, 3330, 4001-4007, 4016, 4204-4205, 4304, 4332-4344 - Buchanan Hall
- Campbell Hall
- Cheadle Hall, bldg. 552 rm. 1117, 1311, 1317-1325, rm.
1140, floor 2, 4125-4129, 5203, 5105, 5123 - Chemistry bldg. 557 rm. 1171, 1179
- Chicano Studies Center
- Classrooms bldg. 387 (West of Psychology)
- College of Creative Studies
- Coral Tree Cafe
- Counseling and Career Services, bldg. 599
- Courtyard Cafe
- Davidson Library
- Deveroux bldg. 7935, 7945, 7950 (Flume Lab), 7955 (MSI Lab)
- EH&S (partial coverage)
- Elings Hall (CNSI), bldg. 266
- Ellison Hall North 2nd floor, rooms 1629, 3620-3626
- Ellison Hall South 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor, 5th floor
- Embarcadero Hall (BofA) Building
- Engineering Sciences Building
- Engineering-II
- Events Center
- FM Navigator (bldg. 895, 896, 897)
- Girvetz Hall (except suite 1205, 1140)
- Harder Stadium East (locker rooms and Arts suite)
- Harder Office Bldg (rm.1001, 1002, 1004, 1011-1015, 1030, 1032-1035, 1037-1043, 1051-1056)
- Harder Pressbox
- Harold Frank Hall
- Hatlen Theater
- Henley Hall bldg. 226
- HSSB (except 4001, 403x)
- ICA building 243
- ILP Classrooms bldg. 506
- Isla Vista Theatre
- Isla Vista Clinic (2nd floor)
- Kerr Hall (except rm. 2105, 2202)
- KCSB (Storke Publications)
- KCSB in bldg. 434 (Women's Center, rooms 0141A-H)
- LSB bldg. 235 rm.1001, 1101
- Marine Science Bldg. 520 (except 14xx, 4th floor NW)
- Marine Science/Bio Tech Seawater Lab Bldg. 555 rm. 1010
- Materials Research Lab
- Military Science Bldg. 451
- Mosher Alumni House bldg. 517
- MSEC-REEF bldg. 200
- Music Bldg. 531 (0300, 1200, 1300, 2200, 2300 wing, LLCH rm.1313, rm.1145, rm.1101-1113, 1125-1141 and adjacent Music Bowl courtyard)
- North Hall (wing 1000, 1100, 2000, 3000, 2100, rm. 2212 and adjacent courtyard)
- Old Gym East wing (bldg. 479), suite 0115 (Arts)
- OSEB West wing (bldg. 514)
- Phelps (floor 2, 6, wing 1100, 1200, 1300, 1500, 3500, rm.1401-1417, 1437, 1440, 4312, 5309-5316)
- Physical Sciences North Bldg. 657 (West wing of 1st and 2nd floors, rm. 2619, 4670)
- Physical Sciences South Bldg.672 (1702, 1707, 1719, 1725, 2nd floor)
- Pollock Theater
- Psychology Expansion (bldg. 251 and courtyard)
- Psychology (except SE of floor 3)
- Public Safety bldg. 574 East wing.
- Recreation Center (East wing offices, Main Gym 1030,1031,1041, wing 1000 West, rm.1060-1062, SW pool)
- Recreation Center Pavilion Gym
- Recreation Center Expansion MAC (except locker rooms)
- Robertson Gym (rm.1125,1131,1133, wings 1000A-1000B, Orfalea Center, Audit Offices)
- SAASB, courtyard, suite 1101,1102,1103 (except 1103B-1103F),1207, 2103, 2201,3201, 3203, rm. 3101A, 3101DD, 4th floor
- South Hall, 1st floor (rm. 1431,1623,1710-1714)
- South Hall, 2nd floor (English Department)
- South Hall, 3rd floor (rm. 3501-3506, 3519, 3605, 3607, 3617, 3635, 3709)
- South Hall, 4th floor (rm. 4631)
- South Hall, 5th floor
- South Hall, 6th floor
- South Hall, Grad Tower
- SSMS (bldg. 276)
- Student Health (including outdoor areas: East Courtyard, West Patio, SW & North of Bldg)
- Student Resource Building
- Surge-II (Bldg.570)
- Theater and Dance
- TB-Sycamore (Building 489)
- TB-Tutorial Center Building 477
- Trailers 698, 384, 699, 697 and 380 (except rm. 101C)
- Trailer 334 (near bldg. 555).
- Trailers 378, 379 (Communications Services)*
- Trailers 935, 936 (ECI,CS)*
- Trailers 942, 939, 937 (West of Broida Halls)
- University Center
- Visitor's Center (SAASB, suite 1102)
- Webb Hall (except 1055)
- West Child Care Center
- Woodhouse (bldg. 546 except rooms 2002, 2008, 2010)
- *Broida Hall, excluding the lecture halls, supports best-effort, 2.4GHz-only wireless service at the request of the Physics Chair.
- The Arbor exterior (line-of-sight for 200 feet)
- Baseball Facility
- BREN courtyard
- Buchanan Hall lawn
- Bus Loop (South and East bus stops)
- Campbell Hall (benches and steps outside of main entrance)
- The Chemistry Building lawn
- Courtyard between Noble Hall and LSB
- Girvetz Hall courtyard
- HSSB courtyard
- Lawn between SSMS and Education buildings
- Phelps Hall courtyard
- The Physical Sciences lawn
- Recreation Center Fields
- Storke Plaza
- Student Resource Building (outdoor area)
- Theater and Dance courtyard
Campus Outdoor WiFi Map
View this map at map.ucsb.edu
Users of the wireless networks may be assigned IP addresses in the following ranges:
Support is provided by the Network Operations Center (NOC), and includes the following specific support items:
- Full configuration, monitoring, diagnostics and repair of access points to ensure the service is functioning properly in the designated coverage areas.
- Limited end-user support, consisting of username/password assistance and general configuration information. The NOC does not perform hardware or software diagnostics or configuration on end-user computers.
Contact noc@ucsb.edu for assistance. A description of the specific problem, along with the date, time, location, and user account name (e.g. UCSBnetID) are particularly helpful.
If you want to terminate your wireless session and force a logout please visit the https://login.wireless.ucsb.edu/logout.html page.